Monday, February 9, 2009

Sock Dolls Featuring Long Neck Paduang Tribe

The Paduang are minorities compared to other tribal group in Northern Thailand, prdominantly in the Northwest bordering Burma. It is the sub-group of the Shan found in Burma. They are also known as the Thai Yai due to their dialect which is similar to Thai language.

There are some pockets of Paduang in the vacinity of Mae Hong Son. They are a major tourist attraction with their long-necked women. A tradition of beautifying women by adding brass rings to their necks has been preserved largely for generating tourism. Although the neck appears cruelly elongated, it is the collarbone which has been displaced rather than the stretching and weakening of the neck. Not many had preserved this tradition. A few who possessed this attributed has a valuable asset as they can earn a living touring globally whenever Thai authority went for cutural fair.

Dolls In Northern Thai Ethnic Clothings. Karen Hill tribe happy couple

One of the largest hill tribes in Southeast Asia is the Karen also known as Kariang. Their geographical distribution spread throughout Burma, Laos and Thailand numbering not less than three million. In Thailand their population is approximately 320,000 which comprise half of the country's total hill tribe population.

Historically originated form southern parts of China. Majority of them had established themselves vicinity of Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Mae Honson.

The Karen still practice cut and burn farming similar to other hill tribes, they differ in that they live in permanent villages at lower elevations and have been aggressive in developing environmentally sustainable terraced rice fields. These factors have allowed the Karen to better integrate themselves into Thai society.

Their houses are mainly made of bamboo houses raised high on stilts, beneath which live their domestic animals such as poultry, chickens, pigs and buffalos.

Karen women are skillful waevers. Their traditional dress design reflect the stage of their life cycle. Unmarried girls wear loose white "V" necked dresses. Women who are married wear blouses and skirts in blue and red, their favourite colour.The men crafted musical instruments, unique tobacco pipes etc.

Their religious belief are animist later superimposed by Buddhism. However a quater have been sucessfully converted by the earlier missionaries into Christianity.

Sock Dolls in loving mood with kisses all over